Chocolate chip scones: the Royal Highness of British afternoon tea! Buttery, crumbly, and so fluffy they might just float away, these scones are the perfect excuse to gather your friends and pretend you’re fancy while secretly plotting to eat the whole batch in one sitting!
Hi I'm Mary the blogger behind New in the Kitchen Recipes. This is your guide to surviving the kitchen! I love food that's healthy and not so healthy - because you're worth it and everyone deserves a treat - Here, I celebrate the art of cooking with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of patience. From “Oops, I set the smoke alarm off again” moments to “Wow, I actually made that!” victories, I'm here to help you navigate the culinary chaos. So grab your apron (and maybe a fire extinguisher), and let’s turn your kitchen mishaps into mouthwatering masterpieces! Let me show you how one laugh at a time! Bon appétit! or as I would say Kainan na.